"Bryan Valencia" <pov### [at] spamgourmetcom> wrote in message
> The point of the project was to create a scene with visible light
> streaming
> into the scene (scattering media example). I wanted to create a kind of
> gloomy place where there was sunshine outside, but you can't get there
> LOL.
Ah yes, okay, so it isn't intended to be focused on being a wet sewer with
emphasis on the surface texturing. I thought maybe your message subject line
could just be a part or step in the direction you were headed with this.
> On top is not an area-light, it's actually intednded to be sunlight. It
> was
> really dark before I added the interior lights. I suppose I could
> re-render
> without them and have the radiosity try to pick up more of the detail at a
> higher quality setting.
Jim suggested light fading so I'll say media attenuation (along with
absorption) might be something to do with it, too, if not already tried.
I was trying to recreate a quick version of your scene here and found myself
using unconventional numbers for the lights and radiosity (with
ambient_light 0). But then many people do that, so who's to say what is
Anyway... I couldn't get good dark shadowy places unless I used radiosity
brightness 0.5, assumed_gamma 1.5 and lights with colors of rgb 3 (sun) and
rgb 2 (bulbs), the inside lights use fade_distance 0.25 fade_power 2 and the
tunnel is 2 units across and 10 units long. Not always as easy to do
something as it might seem at first. I probably got way off track.
; )
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